Solar Thermal Systems

SOLARGIS Direct Normal Irradiance Map (DNI)

Chile is a privileged country in solar resources, having one of the best geographical areas for the implementation of solar thermal energy systems, especially in the north of the country, where there are also located important mining and industrial deposits, so as Fraunhofer Chile we have an area dedicated exclusively to research, development, innovation and technology transfer in Solar Thermal Systems.


Solar thermal technologies are used both for electricity generation (CSP) and solar heat for industrial processes (SHIP). These technologies can be more or less complex and are in different degrees of maturity, but can reach a wide range of temperatures.


While in Chile there is a great potential for the development of these technologies - considering the radiation values throughout the country - one of the relevant factors for the adoption of these technologies is thermal storage, which provides an important component of flexibility to the national energy and production matrix.

Solar Thermal Development Areas

Fraunhofer Chile divides its work in Solar Thermal Systems into two main areas of development Solar Power Concentration, and all its derived applications, services, consultancy and a wide diversity of research lines; and Intelligent Thermal Systems, which gathers all those innovations and applications such as Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP), District Energy and Water Treatment.


Concentrated Solar Power - CSP

FCR- CSET wants to support the development of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies because of the advantages they offer to increase the percentage of electricity production while giving stability to the grid.


Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems

FCR-CSET has high-level computational capabilities and a team of research engineers with expertise in the analysis of energy systems integrated to industrial processes, data analysis, sensorization, shading analysis, among other critical technical capabilities in this type of projects.

Noticias y comunicados de prensa


Fraunhofer Chile to develop solar concentration system for aluminum recycling

  • Innovative project financed by CORFO through Crea y Valida will allow the construction of a prototype in the Metropolitan Region to demonstrate its effectiveness.

"We believe the best technology to replace coal plants is CSP."

[ESP] Frank Dinter, President of ACSP Chile and Executive Director of Fraunhofer Chile


Fraunhofer Chile was awarded a project to determine district heat demand nationwide

[ESP] District heat networks can supply thermal energy, which can be used for heating, domestic hot water and industrial processes, among others. The technology would make it possible to replace fossil combustion sources to supply heat to homes and industries.


CSP: Eyes on this promising technology

[ESP] In its Oct.2022 issue, Revista Nueva Minería y Energía interviews María Teresa Cerda from Fraunhofer Chile and Cristián Sepúlveda from ACSP Chile about the advantages of CSP.


CSP is the most cost-effective large-scale 24/7 technology

[Revista Electricidad] Opinion column by Frank Dinter, Executive Director of Fraunhofer Chile and Chairman of the Board of ACSP - Page 42, December 2022 Edition.

Meet our team

Iván  Muñoz Hernández

Contact Press / Media

M. Sc. Iván Muñoz Hernández

Head of Solar Technologies

Phone +562 2378 1660

Catalina Hernández Moris

Contact Press / Media

Catalina Hernández Moris

Ingeniera Investigadora - Coordinadora Proyectos CSP

Fraunhofer Chile

Phone Tel: +562 2378 1660

Research Engineers

Francisco Fuentes

Contact Press / Media

Francisco Fuentes

Líder Equipo Solar Térmico

Fraunhofer Chile

Phone +562 2378 1660

Carlos Felbol

Contact Press / Media

M. Sc. Carlos Felbol

Ingeniero Investigador

Fraunhofer Chile

Phone +562 2378 1660

Felipe Godoy

Contact Press / Media

M. Sc. Felipe Godoy

Ingeniero Investigador

Fraunhofer Chile

Phone +562 2378 1660

Contact form Solar Thermal Systems FCR

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